Dream Achievers Youth Organization (DAYO) is a National Youth Led Non Governmental Organization (NGO) Registered under the NGOs Co-ordination Board with a Registration Number: OP.218/051/21-479/12560 based in Mombasa Kenya. DAYO started as a theatre group in 2005 by 7 young persons in Kisauni Constituency of Mombasa County.
This group used theatre approach to sensitize the community on health issues facing young people. The theatre group had a fluid leadership committee consisting of a Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and theatre/drama trainer while other member…
At Dream Achievers Youth Organization (DAYO) our values are reflected in the way we work with communities & our partners. Integrity and honesty represent the foundations of all operations. Furthermore, we strive to conduct ourselves in a professional manner.
We also conduct ourselves with a policy of utmost good faith and as a result, we are determined to empower youths & communities in the region that we serve