Where you put up your restaurant location in Kenya determines a lot on how business is going to go for you. This is both exciting but it is equally terrifying to make this decision. Before you spend a significant amount of money renting your first space, here are some things that you need to consider for your Restaurant Location in Kenya
How Visible is the place
People do not want to go very far to get what they want. Unless it is a resort where people take it as a holiday/ vacation, the place should be close to your target market. Have a good sign that represents the place and this way offering free advertising.
Size of the restaurant
Every restaurants needs enough space for a kitchen, walk-in refrigerator, dry storage and an office for paperwork. The dining area should be big enough to accommodate the number of people coming in. You can consider adding a tent outside to increase the space.
Understand the Curse of the area
It is easy to take it lightly but every area has a history. Unless you are the first person to occupy the space, ensure you understand the history of the place. Some locations house one failed restaurant after another. Soon people associate the space – not necessarily the individual restaurant- with bad service, poor food, and lackluster ambiance.
Packing space is necessary
People who drive would wish to have a convenient place to park their cars as they dine in your restaurant. If you live in an urban area where everyone walks and there is public transportation, this is less of a factor. If you are thinking of a restaurant location out of town, in a place that requires you to drive to get there, you’d better have parking available.
Know your surrounding neighbours
Before you open your business that is meant to serve food and entertain, consider the other businesses running around it. Are there already half a dozen restaurants with the same concept as yours? You can also pick a place with office areas and workers that you can target to serve them lunches etc. Is the area busy or full of empty storefronts? Successful businesses attract other successful businesses.
Ensure Safety is observed
Ensure that the building is licensed to hold a restaurant. Does it have proper wiring, fire alarms, sprinkler systems, handicap-accessible doors, restrooms, ramps? A walk through the building with your local code enforcement officer will help you determine what needs to be done to a space before you open a restaurant.
Choose the kind of customers you target
It is important to consider which kind you want. Whether you want a walk in restaurant where people will be taking their lunch and dinners on a regular or you want a high-end restaurants with fewer people. You can also have a resort outside of town. However you need to be prepared for fewer people but who are willing to spend a lot.
Here are just but a few things to consider when making the decision. Marketing is always important no matter the location. This way, ensure your restaurant is listed in business listings such as these.