How to turn your customers into a community of die-hard clients – The best way to have a flow of sales and customers is by getting some die-hard clients. Getting people loyal to your brand and what you sell. At current times, there is a lot of content being created every second and information spread out to more and more people. However, there are less and less connections being made between people. The way to create tribal loyalties is to find people with similar interests, passions and activities. When you make your customers loyal to you, they will buy more and become brand ambassadors to your products. It is a great idea for any business to find ways to make a community of people who can advocate for your products. More or less create fans for your business.
Here are some of the ways to create a community
Tell about your origin story
Tell the story of what inspired you to start the business. Give the story of how everything about the business came about. People love and follow inspiring stories. People get to appreciate a certain product and respect the business by understanding the progress. Tell your tribe on all the obstacles met while achieving the dream and how you managed to overcome. It is also important for you to give them the vision and mission of the company. For instance, a company like Unilever can show the progress of how the business grew and can even show the different packaging changes etc.
Create a Mission that motivates them
Companies and businesses that are able to be part of the community activities are more likely to win die-hard clients. Strong communities are driven by purpose and missions. You can give your customers something that can give them a drive and push.
Create artifacts that can identify your community
Get something that your customers can wear or use that can easily identify them as your clients. Some go for bracelets, stickers or badges. Get something that is fancy enough for them to want to wear. These artifacts should be earned and not given to everyone. Create an activity or experience that finally awards them.
Offer special access to ‘inside’ people
The loyal clients who have earned the chance to be called outliers can earn access that is a bit different from what the rest are getting. Being given an insider status is pleasurable. In most businesses, these people are given first access to special announcements, opportunities, or sales, or create ones just for them.
Define a unique language for your community
Create your brand for an archetype your audience wants to become or a characteristic they want to amplify. People will easily get the us versus others mentality which has a positive impact to the business. Just like you want to attract those who are right for your tribe, you also want to repel those who are not. Think back to the Apple ads that distinguished between two types of people: Apple users and PC users.
In conclusion, trying to build a community is one of the great ways of getting loyal clients who keep coming back to buy as well as advocate your products to others.