KenSafe Training and Driving school Ltd provides professional Health & Safety Training & Consultancy services to companies ranging from SME’s, Corporates and Multi National Corporations to Government Departments. We also provide Construction Machinery Operator and Motor Vehicle Driver Training courses.
We offer specialized training services to the hospitality industry covering the whole range of job descriptions, from security, grounds men, cleaners, bar & restaurant staff, catering, management and setting up of H&S Committee
Courses & Training are carried out regularly at our training center in Mombasa and upon request, at client’s premises or onsite. All our training courses are of the highest standards. All of our trainers and consultants are highly qualified to degree level in their respective fields.
KenSafe Training and Driving school Ltd is highly experienced, working with air and sea ports, pharmaceutical companies, leading manufacturers, government agencies, construction companies, engineering companies, hotels and restaurants in providing competent plant operators