Kamsa Poultry – To foster food security and economic growth through poultry farming. 4 weeks old Issa Brown layers available for sale in Kisumu at a cost of 250 per chick. Chicks vaccinated against Gumboro and NCD. About 900 chicks available.
Kamsa Poultry – Setting Up a Successful Layers Farm
The site for putting up a layers farm is critical in the success of the venture. Factors to consider include:
1. Accessibility – The road network should allow for the delivery of feeds and transport of eggs to the market.
2. Access to water – A mature bird drinks 300ml of water daily thus 1000 birds would drink 300 litres daily. There should be a reliable source of uninterrupted water supply. This can be either drilling of having enough water tanks for storage.
3. Safety – The area should not be prone to invasion by predators nor theft of birds.
For more information on successful layers farming watch the video below.
For consultation call us on 0725164189, we shall help you:
Prepare a budget
Project expected returns/profits
Design an appropriate chicken house
Site visit and evaluation
Source for equipment and inputs