United Millers Kisumu Ltd is primarily engaged in manufacturing and marketing of Fast Moving Consumer Goods (
FMCG) items of daily consumption and is deeply entrenched into processing and marketing human food, like Wheat flours of different kind, Maize Meals, Bakery products, Vegetable cooking Oils and Fats and Soaps.
The company is also actively engaged in Real Estate and Logistics management as a support to the main business.
The company actively nurtures nearly 20 brands and has been able to retain, sustain and generate consumer confidence in those brands that are all certified with Kenya Bureau of Standard for quality and majority of them qualify and display ‘Diamond Mark’, which is the highest standard of product certification for consumer goods in Kenya and conforms to nearly all Regional and International Standards.
United Millers Kisumu Ltd is committed to use high quality inputs, latest process technologies, highly skilled man power, affordable price control for all products and continual improvement of our Quality Management System. We will continue to grow and expand our business to keep pace with the demands of the growing population and its needs, enriching the life of all stakeholders from employees, investors and customers.
Our state-of-the-art Swiss Milling Technology and Laboratory Testing ensure that our products are wholesome, healthy, and safe every time.
United Millers Ltd Facts
- Our process ensures that you’re not exposed to aflatoxin.
- We laboratory test 23 different quality parameters on every batch of wheat we receive.