Skaga Kennels was started in the year 2000 (19 years ago) breeding German Shepherd Dogs with three (3) dogs, two imported bloodlines and one locally acquired. It was immediately registered and honoured as a member of the East African Kennel Club and The German Shepherd Dog League. – In the years Skaga Kennels have grown to have over 40 breeding dogs and 250 working dogs, having both local and imported dogs.
The imported dogs come from various dog kennels in Germany, Jinopo in Czech Republic (the worlds top producing working line kennels) and Croatia. – Our suppliers in Europe are known to breed dogs with best IP, Schutzhand, FH, BHP, VH meaning working qualifications for police protection dogs, and VA ratings meaning Excellent Select Dogs.
All the lineages of our dogs from the Great Great Grand Parents have been breed surveyed for the above qualifications and duly passed their health examinations either here in Kenya or Germany. – Through the years we have acquired (16) sixteen different breeding lines purposely for improving the bloodlines in Kenya and the especially the Kenya Police for protection work. We follow up our breeding up to the Great Great Grandparent so as to avoid inbreeding and to vastly improve the working dogs in Kenya