MULTIPLE MATRIX CONSTRUCTION LTD is Kenyan owned business enterprise incorporated and registered under the REGISTRATION OF BUSINESS ACT cap 499, section 14 Business Names Act of law of Kenya on 18th June 2014.
Our Values
To be a competitive value provider in international business for our company and all our shareholders.
Our experience in commercial construction ranges from small built-in projects to major industrial and commercial constructions such as shopping malls, warehouses, supermarkets, banks, storage facilities, Maisonettess, Bungalows, Residential apartments and more.Our expert team takes care of every aspect of construction so that you can focus on your business.
Advanced Road Construction & Paving is a full service road construction and paving company. We offer base construction and hot mix asphalt paving for parking lots, subdivision roads, driveways, major roads, tennis and other sports courts.
To provide engineering products and services to the municipal water and wastewater community. We are committed to providing high quality work to our clients and providing a high quality of work life for those in the firm.