Coast Forest Conservancy Office – Conservation, sustainable development, management and utilisation of the country’s forest resources for equitable benefit of present and future generations.
The Service now has an Organization Structure that borrows its functionality from the Forest Conservation and Management Act, 2016 and provides for a lean span of control. The Chief Conservator of the Forests reports to the Board of Directors. To effectively carry out its functions and fulfill its strategic objectives and mandate, KFS is structured into six (6) Directorates and three (3) Departments whose heads report directly to the Chief Conservator of Forests (CEO) as follows;
Six (6) Directorates namely:
⦁ Forest Conservation and Management
⦁ Forest Protection and Security
⦁ Strategy, Partnerships & Resource Mobilization
⦁ Corporate Services
⦁ Internal Audit
⦁ Corporation Secretary
There are three (3) stand-alone Departments namely:
⦁ Supply Chain Management
⦁ Air-Wing
⦁ Inspectorate and Internal Affairs
Coast Forest Conservancy Office – For better span of control, the approved organization structure helps the Service to implement her mandate through these functional levels as follows; through Departments, Divisions, Sections, Units, Conservancies, Counties, Stations the functional areas have been provided for as follows; Directorates; Departments; Divisions; Sections; Units; Conservancies; Counties and Stations.