Community Capacity Building Initiative (CCBI) was launched in 2001 as a Non Governmental Organization to contribute to the mitigation of poverty, health, gender and environment related problems by enhancing the capacity of communities to access and utilize knowledge and resources for the benefit of these communities.
CCBI works with community based organizations (CBOs) to build their capacity for health improvement in malaria, HIV/AIDS prevention, care and support, water and sanitation, family planning, gender and mitigation on gender based violence (GBV), economic empowerment, and Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC). The main objective of CCBI is to provide communities with knowledge, skills and resources to enable them to develop, and to improve their standard of living by having better health, increased income, enhanced social status, and a cleaner environment through sustainable programs.
CCBI provides training to CBOs, women groups, FBOs, youth groups, cooperatives and societies, for the purpose of strengthening their capacity to effectively participate in their selected programmes. In Kenya, CBOs and other CSOs contribute to disease prevention and control, and in ensuring a broad, multi-sectoral approach to national disease management programmes. Therefore they fill service delivery gaps at the community level and are an appropriate channel for taking vital health services to communities.